Dan Quixote Codes

Adventures in Teaching, Programming, and Cyber Security.

~/blog$ PicoCTF 2022


After a (work enforced) break, it felt good to get some "competitive" CTF action in the recent PicoCTF

We already had a student team entered, but there was a team members cap, So the Coventry University Ethical Slackers team was resurrected, with myself and a student taking part.

Given that the CTF took place in the middle of coursework submission season, we did respectably, squeezing the tasks into weekends / evenings. We did pretty well over all categories, sure we would have got a few more of the 500 pointers, given time (and lets be honest, having had more practice).

Will be posting my write ups of the challenges here:

Write ups


Final Scoreboard for the Team

Pico Scoreboard