Dan Quixote Codes

Adventures in Teaching, Programming, and Cyber Security.

~/blog$ PicoCTF 2022: basic-file-exploit


Simple File was a 100 point challenge in PicoCTF.

Nice easy (although not quite as easy as the first overflow ;)), warmup challenge, that gets you thinking around how data is processed.

First look at the Code

Looking at the supplied source file we see the program lets us:

  • Store note at a user supplied index
  • Retrieve a note at user supplied index.

Both of these functions rely on a special t_getinput() function that "guards" against us doing anything dodgy.

Running the Binary

We can also run the binary to check for "Interesting" behaviour

dang@danglaptop ~/Github/Pico2022/BinExp/BasicFile$ ./a.out                        main 
Hi, welcome to my echo chamber!
Type '1' to enter a phrase into our database
Type '2' to echo a phrase in our database
Type '3' to exit the program

Playing with the inputs (without doing anything special) doesn't appear to break anything

Understanding the Code

The interesting part of the code is here.

If we can set the entry number to 0, then the system will give us a flag.

  r = tgetinput(entry, 4);


  if ((entry_number = strtol(entry, NULL, 10)) == 0) {
    fseek(stdin, 0, SEEK_END);

However, its guarded against an actual input of "0" here:

int tgetinput(char *input, unsigned int l)
    fd_set          input_set;
    struct timeval  timeout;
    int             ready_for_reading = 0;
    int             read_bytes = 0;

    if( l <= 0 )
      printf("'l' for tgetinput must be greater than 0\n");
      return -2;

Proof Of Concept

I have seen something similar to this on IO, the atoi / strtoi functions, have "undefined behaviour" if a value they cant pass is added. If we don't supply a number they return zero.

So Our POC:

  • Add an Item to the "Database" (It needs an entry before it lets us retrieve anything)
  • Ask to Retrieve item A
  • ...
  • Profit


First Connect to the Server

$ nc saturn.picoctf.net 53641      ✭main 
Hi, welcome to my echo chamber!
Type '1' to enter a phrase into our database
Type '2' to echo a phrase in our database
Type '3' to exit the program

Add out initial Data:

Please enter your data:
Please enter the length of your data:
Your entry number is: 1
Write successful, would you like to do anything else?

Now just read a non digit:

Please enter the entry number of your data:
(env) dang@danglaptop ~/Github/Pico2022/BasicFile$