Dan Quixote Codes

Adventures in Teaching, Programming, and Cyber Security.

~/blog$ On Demand, per user Docker shells

A common use case when we are teaching on the hacking modules is for the student to gain access to a server and do some task.

Previously we have used VM's for this, setting up the challenge in a "Stripped down" VM and having the student download it to play with in the Lab. While this works, its not without its disadvantages:

  • The average VM weighs in at a couple of GB, its not a lot, but it takes time to download. (its certainly prohibitive on my majestic 1MB connection at home)
  • Ensuring the student gets a "Fresh" copy of the VM free of anyone elses exploit. Personally, I think there is nothing more frustrating, than finding a copy of the root flag, or someone elses POC, as it ruins the challenge.
  • It needs virtualisation software, while this is installed by default in the Hacking Lab, its not on the standard Uni Image, and depending on the students own hardware it may limit the opportunity to practice outside of the lab

We could set up a "Cloud" version of the target, allowing the student to connect remotely (in much the same way as CTF like Hack the Box do.) This works well, for access outside of the lab but we get major issues with ensuring the student gets the "Fresh" copy. Additionally, I have around 50 challenges (and counting, and that's just one module), so resource management on the server we have starts to become interesting.

The Concept

I have been experimenting with using Docker for this type of teaching. (See Docker for Ethical Hacking for why I think docker is way forward).

It turns out it is possible to connect the docker containers to an SSH session. So each time a user connects over SSH, a new docker container is fired up with the image used based on the username they are connecting with. This would allow containers to be started "On Demand".

NOTE: I was inspired by the excellent Over the Wire Advent challenges. which used a similar approach.


  • Accessible outside of the hacking lab
  • Allow students access challenges "On Demand"
  • Sandbox each student onto their own instance, to stop "accidental" P0wning through someone elses hard work.


First Cut

The key part of our implementation is that we can create (and / or) attach to a running container, This is pretty standard docker stuff. For example, lets imagine we have the container 7024cem/ctf-lsudo-demo, and want to connect as the unprivileged cueh user.

On the command line we could use:

dang@dang-laptop ~$ docker run -it --user cueh --workdir /home/cueh --rm 7024cem/ctf-lsudo-demo /bin/bash                                                                                               
cueh@9e63b8eadc4c:~$ pwd
cueh@9e63b8eadc4c:~$ ls

As we can set the shell that is spawned when the user logs in, its easy enough to create a script that runs this command and set it as the users default shell.

[root@zaphod ~]# cat /home/testuser/runshell 
docker run -it --user cueh --workdir /home/cueh --rm 7024cem/ctf-lsudo-demo /bin/bash

If we add it the /etc/shells

[root@zaphod testuser]# cat /etc/shells 
# Pathnames of valid login shells.
# See shells(5) for details.


And set it as the users default shell:

[root@zaphod ~]# chsh -s /home/testuser/runshell testuser
Changing shell for testuser.

Each time they login a docker container is launched, and the user is dropped into it.

Implementation. Second Cut.

While this is pretty cool, we have some issues. First off is the 50+ Containers. While I could create a separate spawning script for each, "I ain't got time for that stuff". Also I want to make it nice and easy to add new elements.

So I cobbled together a quick and dirty python script that checks in a database, (yes I appreciate that is probably overkill, but it also works nicely with the flag server), and uses the python docker bindings to spawn the relevant container.

The stripped down version of the code is below (removed various error check etc, fill version is in the git repo)

import docker
import dockerpty

def startDocker(user, ipadd = None):
    """Start a docker container

    @param user: User who as initiated the SSH connection
    @param ipadd: Ip address conneciton was initiated from

    #Create docker Client
    client = docker.from_env()

    #Get the relevant container from DB driver
    thecontainer = driver.getDetails(user)

    # ...SNIP... Setting Various options

    #Create a Container
    container = client.containers.create(
        image = thecontainer.image,
        user = thecontainer.user,
        working_dir = thecontainer.workdir,

    #And Connect it to a pseudoterminal
    dockerpty.start(client.api, container.id)

We can then call the script with command line arguments to fill in the relevant parts.

if __name__ == "__main__":

    #Get the thing to accept command line args
    if len(sys.argv) < 3:
        log.warning("Called without user")

    args = sys.argv
    log.debug("Arguments are {0}".format(args))

    theuser = sys.argv[1]
    log.debug("--> Starting process with user {0}".format(theuser))

    #And get the IP address
    theIp = sys.argv[2]
    log.debug("--> Ip address of connecting client {0}".format(theIp))

    dockershell.dispatcher.startDocker(theuser, theIp)

Now if we call the script using the $USER and $SSH_CLIENT system variables, we get a new session for each user who connects. I created a helper script for this.

$cat dockershell.sh
python dockershell.py $USER $SSH_CLIENT

Wiring it up as a users shell

Now, rather than have a custom shell for each user we can just assign the dockershell to each of them, and let the system variables set by SSH on login deal with everything.

Add the dockershell.sh script to /etc/shells

Then just create a user for each container, with the dispatcher as their shell.

useradd -M -G docker -s /opt/dockershells/dispatcher.sh <whoever>
passwd <whoever>

Persistent Images

One issue with the approach above, is that there is a 1:1 mapping between SSH sessions and containers. Therefore if we start two SSH sessions from the same machine, each ends up in its own "fresh" instance. This can make some approaches difficult, as you may want a second SSH channel to monitor processes while you make changes, or you save changes that take effect on login.

To work around this I have a "persistant" flag for each image in the database. If this is set we store the IP address of the connecting machine, and the docker generated name of the container that is created. (For example , "amazing_hopper") We then start the container without the auto_remove flag set. When the user connects we can check if the container exists, and reconnect to it.

if thecontainer.persistant:
    log.debug("Persistant Container")

    #Fetch from database#
    details = driver.getPersist(thecontainer.image,  ipadd)
    if details:
        #Update the Last Access Time
        driver.storePersist(thecontainer.image, ipadd, details.containerName)

        #And Connect
        dockerpty.start(client.api, details.containerName)
        return #Exit the function

#Otherwise Create the container in the way we did above.
container = client.containers.create(
        image = thecontainer.image,
        user = thecontainer.user,
        working_dir = thecontainer.workdir,
        auto_remove=autoremove, #Override the setting

#Store in the database
if thecontainer.persistant:
    driver.storePersist(thecontainer.image, ipadd, container.name)

log.debug("Spawning Termnal")
dockerpty.start(client.api, container.id)


So far I have tested the concept, and everything appears to work nicely.

The next stage is to see how well it copes under load. Currently have 100 Sessions connected to the server in the hacking lab, trying to simulate student activity, with a range of tasks:

  • Idling: (Proper simulation of a student)
  • Top: (Gives me some network traffic)
  • finding SUID files, every 5 seconds.

System load is around 10%, will see if it holds together over the weekend.

Share and Enjoy!

You can find the repository at. https://github.coventry.ac.uk/aa9863/dockershells/

Comments and feedback welcome.