Dan Quixote Codes

Adventures in Teaching, Programming, and Cyber Security.

~/blog$ Docker for teaching EH

Those who know me know I like docker, its simplified teaching a lot of the hacking examples to the students. Yes it has some flaws (networking) or requires some gnarly workarounds for things, but its a major feature of my material now.

Example: The Linux trainer

"Inspired" by the work of Under The Wire's bandit. I built a docker based Linux trainer. This is intended to give the students a way to practice the basic commands (they should already know).

The Linux trainer Its relatively standard wargame stuff. SSH into each level, complete a task and get the creds for the next.

Nice thing here is it weighs in at a mighty 190MB. Compare that to the overhead of setting up a VM to host it.

Feedback on the whole has been positive, few gumble about having to use docker itself. (IE typing docker run cueh/nixtrainer can be hard) but this was mostly around getting the tools setup.

The Good, the Bad and the Ugly.


The main benefits from my point of view are:

  • Image size, most of my stuff is built from the same "Base" containers, this means that after the first image download, the base image remains unchanged and all that the students need to download is the content. For Example: My Base Debian CTF container is around 120MB, after downloading that, its only 5-10MB of data that needs to be grabbed for each challenge. Compare that to around 1GB for a basic Debian VM.

  • Persistence: (Or the lack of it), containers store whatever changes happen in a thin layer on-top of the image. This is really cool, as when the students invariably screw something up, they just kill and restart the container. Everything is reset back to "factory defaults". Compare this to a VM where we have to either have "snapshots", or some other way of resetting.

  • Speed. On the whole starting containers is FAST, a few seconds for something simple using SSH. Yes things like databases take some time to initialise, but that's the Database itself, rather than docker.

  • Getting Root. We all know there is nothing like the feeling of getting root. This is not so much a benefit of docker itself, but I am a bit leaary of giving students root on a VM, especially when there are a set of challenges. With containers, I tend to break each challenge into a container, and let them get root, meh Its only another 10 Meg for the next challenge.

  • "Platform Independence", the containers can be run on various OS, docker for windows does a pretty good job (although I find it tends to break my exposed ports), Meaning regardless of the base OS, the students still get the benefit.


Things that can be both good and bad depending on the situation.

  • Simplicity: This is a bit of a double edged sword, but default the images I use come stripped down. It means that there are few distractions for the proof of concept. For example, if we are doing anything with cron, cron will be present, otherwise it wont exist. This is nice as it lets students focus on the task, but lacks realism. It also makes it a PITA to make more complex systems.

  • The One Process per container Philosophy. I understand why this is a decision, and for the whole agree with it. However, at times, its a pain to have to plumb stuff together just to allows an Apache Server with SSH. Especially the hoops I have to jump through with volumes and sharing data.

The Bad

  • Networking, Want to simulate a network of machines? Welcome to a world of pain. Problem here is its out of context for what docker is designed to do, but it would be lovely.

  • Doing anything complex requires magic. Overflows, GDB anything that requires complex privileges, can be a right pain to setup. Much easier to have a VM for this.

  • Container Security. Forget breakouts, there is a more fundamental problem here, If the student can run the container at home its as simple as using docker exec <words> to get a root shell. Perhaps I am nieve, I trust people not to do this, but.....