One of the more "fun" parts of my job is working out how to get the students engaged with the material. A common way of doing this in the Cyber Sec community is the "Wargame" or "CTF" (Capture the flag).
Inspired by things like Bandit at I have put together a Linux trainer for my classes.
The docker version is available on docker hub @cueh/nixtrainer have a look an tell me what you think.
The Problem
For the Ethical hacking module there is a certain subset of command line-fu that we need. Previously, I had done a limited "Chalk and Talk" approach, talking about the key items, before unleashing the students on a VM with several challenges to test their skills.
While this is a world away from the "Chalk and Talk" approach, it still wasn't working as well as I would like. Students tended to zone out during the talk on the commands (and to be honest i cant blame them, a set of slides on less isn't the most inspiring thing), so the practical could be difficult without them revisiting the lecture.
Watching the students, it was clear that they would flick back and forth through the material to find the bit of information they needed to solve the problem, rather than actually applying the concepts taught to solve the problem.
A solution?
Given that war games and CTF are popular ways of honing skills, and
inspired by the excellent Bandit wargame from
Its the standard wargame concept, there are various levels, you start at level0 and as you complete each challenge you get the password for the next level. The game covers concepts including:
- Where am I and how do I get elsewhere (ls, cd, and paths)
- Access control and Permissions
- Finding things on the system (Find, locate)
- Finding things in files (grep)
Driven by Manpages
One issue I have tried to solve is the "Can I google that for you?" problem. While it is my job to introduce people to the tools, and discuss the technical topics.. Being able to think around a problem is a core skill. I hope none of my students end up just pressing the nessus button(tm), then pressing win on metasploit. Being able to think about the problems you face is a key skill, and being able to RTFM is part of the solution.
To address this, all the documentation for the challenges is in man pages, hopefully the processes of using the built in help files will stick.
Docker to the rescue!
Another, issue that comes up with creating material is it tends to be
heavyweight, putting together a full VM for this is pretty hardcore,
around 3GB for < 20M of data. The other issue is reverting any of the
tasks when the students inevitably rm -rf
Docker turns out to be a great solution for this kind of standalone
thing, as we end up with an "image" of a couple of hundred meg, that
can be reset with a simple docker rm <whatever>
Even better, if
we reuse the base image we end up only downloading the diff between
the versions, so I can put together various web based challenges for
the same infrastructure for the \(\sqrt(fa)\) disk space.
I plan on discussing docker for teaching in a future post.
- Overall the students seem to have enjoyed it, but its too early to tell if it has made a difference.
- Not sure on the balance of leading people through it, VS discover for yourself. It seems that there is still a bit of a learning curve some struggle to get over. To be honest, its trivial stuff, so perhaps its more a problem with motivation, rather than the content.