As part of my mucking around with ARM based compilers, I have also given ([Platform IO] a crack. First impressions are it is much nicer to use than the MBED command line equivalent.
NOTE: You will need the relevant ARM tool chains.
Platform IO setup
Requires Python 2, as always I like to make use of a virtualenv to save my global python ending up full of cruft.
dang@dang-laptop% virtualenv -p /usr/bin/python2 env
(env) dang@dang-laptop% pip install platformio
Check it works
(env) dang@dang-laptop% platformio
Usage: platformio [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...
--version Show the version and exit.
-f, --force Force to accept any confirmation prompts.
-c, --caller TEXT Caller ID (service).
-h, --help Show this message and exit.
account Manage PIO Account
boards Embedded Board Explorer
ci Continuous Integration
debug PIO Unified Debugger
device Monitor device or list existing
home PIO Home
init Initialize PlatformIO project or update existing
lib Library Manager
platform Platform Manager
remote PIO Remote
run Process project environments
settings Manage PlatformIO settings
test Local Unit Testing
update Update installed platforms, packages and libraries
upgrade Upgrade PlatformIO to the latest version
(env) dang@dang-laptop ~/Documents/India/PlatformIO
Getting More of the Toolchain working
Install the Udev Rules file
NOTE: As per usual they suggest directly installing from CURL. As usual this is a Bad Idea. Take a look at the file in Nano to avoid any surprises.
Download and check the file
dang@dang-laptop /tmp % curl -fsSL > 99-platformio-udev.rules
dang@dang-laptop /tmp % nano 99-platformio-udev.rules
Install and update UDEV
dang@dang-laptop /tmp % sudo cp 99-platformio-udev.rules /etc/udev/rules.d/
[sudo] password for dang:
2 dang@dang-laptop /tmp % sudo udevadm control --reload-rules dang@dang-laptop /tmp % sudo udevadm trigger
Try one of the Demo Projects
Clone the STM toolchain with examples
As I am interested in using the mbed OS, the blink example (from the Online version) looks like a good bet.
Building the Example
Unfortunately, when we try to run the example,
A Bit afraid of adding this to the Board Lets try something a bit different According to the MBED docs the device I have is supported, but not in the build list
▶ platformio run -e nucleo_f746zg
Error: Unknown environment names 'nucleo_f746zg'. Valid names are 'nucleo_f103rb, disco_l053c8, nucleo_l053r8, nucleo_f767zi, disco_f100rb, mts_dragonfly_f411re, cloud_jam, nucleo_f207zg, cloud jam l4, disco_f303vc, nucleo_f030r8, nucleo_f401re, disco_f407vg, mote_l152rc, elmo_f411re, nucleo_l152re, nucleo_f302r8'
However according to the Docs it is supported, so lets add a new target platform to the project. Taking the definition from an example that has support for the Nucleo F746 (cube32_blink)
In platformio.ini
we add
platform = ststm32
framework = mbed
board = nucleo_f746zg
build_flags = -DF7
This time building appears to work
platformio run -e nucleo_f746zg
Processing nucleo_f746zg (platform: ststm32; board: nucleo_f746zg; framework: mbed)
Verbose mode can be enabled via `-v, --verbose` option
HARDWARE: STM32F746ZGT6 216MHz 320KB RAM (1MB Flash)
===================================================== [SUMMARY] =====================================================
Environment disco_f407vg [SKIP]
Environment disco_f303vc [SKIP]
Environment disco_f100rb [SKIP]
Environment nucleo_f030r8 [SKIP]
Environment nucleo_f103rb [SKIP]
Environment nucleo_f207zg [SKIP]
Environment nucleo_f302r8 [SKIP]
Environment nucleo_f401re [SKIP]
Environment nucleo_f767zi [SKIP]
Environment nucleo_l053r8 [SKIP]
Environment nucleo_l152re [SKIP]
Environment disco_l053c8 [SKIP]
Environment elmo_f411re [SKIP]
Environment mote_l152rc [SKIP]
Environment mts_dragonfly_f411re [SKIP]
Environment cloud_jam [SKIP]
Environment cloud jam l4 [SKIP]
Environment nucleo_f746zg [SUCCESS]
============================================ [SUCCESS] Took 7.50 seconds ===
TO Upload to the board using we need to specify the location to upload
▶ udiskie-mount /dev/sda
mounted /org/freedesktop/UDisks2/block_devices/sda on /run/media/dang/NODE_F746ZG
And It looks like everything works as Required